The OCC (Portuguese Chartered Accountants Association) is the largest Portuguese professional order with 69,000 members and is led by the president (Bastonária), Paula Franco. Our headquarters are located in Lisbon, and we have 15 more delegations around the country. Under the terms of the Portuguese law, the Order of Certified Accountants, OCC, mission is to regulate the practise of the certified accountant profession, in addition to inform and train all of its members, and to develop all actions to improve the credibility of the profession. In terms of international relations, OCC takes part of the most important and prestigious accounting organisations in the world, like: IFAC (International Federation of Accountants), EFAA (European Federation of Accountants and Auditors for SMEs); CILEA (Comité de Integracion Latino Europa-América) and FCM (Fédération des Experts Comptables Mediterranéens) Due to the nature of our purpose, the English version of the website is shorter, but has the basic information of our institution. For further inquiries email us to |